The Rollup - Introduction to Zircuit - Revelo Intel

The Rollup – Introduction to Zircuit

In this episode of The Rollup, which took place on March 1, 2024, Robbie, Andy, and Jan discuss rollups, Zircuit, its features, and future plans. Read our notes below to learn more.


  • Robbie (Host) – Merkle Tree Maxi, Co-Founder of The Rollup
  • Andy (Host) – zkProof Maxi, Co-Founder of The Rollup
  • Jan Gorzny (Guest) – Founder of Zircuit
  • Zircuit – a layer-2 with AI-enabled security

Jan’s Background 

  • Jan introduces herself as a former academic turned web3 security professional. He transitioned from academia to working on ZK-rollups at Quantstamp.
  • He mentions being involved in the web3 ecosystem during the transition from Plasma to rollups. He highlights the shift towards rollups due to data availability issues in Plasma designs.

Plasma and Rollup Design Principles

  • Jan says that Plasma aimed to enhance blockchain scalability by offloading transactions while maintaining security. Variants of Plasma designs emerged with a focus on data availability challenges.
  • He adds that rollups evolved as a solution by publishing off-chain data onto the chain for finality checks.

Fundamentals of Rollups

  • Jan says that users may not prioritize minor cost differences in transaction fees unless there are significant benefits or incentives. He highlights the importance of security, data integrity, and trust assumptions in network operations. He puts emphasis on the significance of secure bridges between networks due to historical incidents of financial losses.
  • He adds that initial predictions underestimated the rapid adoption of simpler designs like ZK rollups. Quick progress in technical innovations, particularly zero-knowledge proofs, impacts development processes positively.

Future Challenges and Differentiation in Rollups

  • Jan says that multiple rollups are essential for scaling blockchain activities efficiently.
  • He adds that rollups should prioritize a specific path to enable quick smart contract deployment without requiring global consensus on virtual machines. This approach allows for innovation tailored to core user bases rather than universal agreement. Predictions suggest that mastering EVM compatibility will be a prevalent trend in the upcoming years, leading to unique innovations within rollups. Differentiation through core functionality beyond marketing strategies is emphasized for future development.

Bitcoin Layer-2 Solutions and Security

  • Andy says that excitement surrounds the emergence of Bitcoin layer-2 solutions, particularly in enhancing Bitcoin’s security model. Increased on-chain activity generates fees, bolstering Bitcoin’s security without solely relying on price fluctuations. 
  • Jan adds that enhancements in Bitcoin infrastructure are as beneficial for the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Introduction to Zircuit Project

  • Jan says that Zircuit aims at developing an EVM equivalent zero-knowledge rollup network with a strong emphasis on security features. Research efforts focus not only on technical advancements but also on enhancing system security against potential vulnerabilities.
  • He adds that the idea of contestability in transactions allows for a circuit breaker feature where any suspicious activity can be disputed or contested by users. Exploring the notion of contestability in transactions, which could potentially introduce a pause or circuit breaker feature during dispute resolution processes. Deviation from EVM compatibility towards innovative concepts like boosted rollups while considering the significance of contestable ideas for enhancing security.
  • Jan emphasizes the importance of defining terms like contest, dispute, and quarantine to prevent malicious activities without censoring legitimate transactions.

Maturing Validity Proofs in ZK Rollups

  • Jan stresses the need for mechanisms like quarantine periods, fallback options, and contestations to ensure responsible tech development before deploying ZK rollup systems.
  • He questions whether every transaction on a ZK rollup requires a ZK proof and contemplates hybrid approaches for applications with lower stakes or quicker transactions. Debating between full security versus partial security in transactions based on value at stake, advocating for widespread adoption of ZK due to increasing feasibility and ease of implementation.

Roadmap for Ethereum Development

  • Jan says that long-term victory is likely for zero-knowledge rollups over optimistic ones due to enhanced security, despite current user space dominance of optimistic rollups. The potential scenario where optimistic rollups serve a role in less critical applications like tracking gaming states, while ZK rollups narrow cost differentials.
  • He adds that optimistic rollups nearing maturity with minor enhancements needed, potentially more advanced than some ZK-proof systems. He acknowledges the necessity for maturity in ZK systems while currently favoring a transition towards ZK technology for enhanced security.

Understanding Circuits in Zero-Knowledge Proofs

  • Jan says that circuits represent virtual executions of computations, transforming arbitrary computations into simulated circuits that require correct inputs for accurate outcomes. He describes circuits as collections of small state machines or gates that collectively execute complex computations akin to hardware circuitry evolution.
  • He adds that high-level languages can be used to design circuits without worrying about specific gates, thanks to automatic generation from research efforts. Prover networks like succinct inspire ideas on building efficient provers with minimal gates for quick proofs in competitions. Optimizing provers involves focusing on simulating gates differently rather than changing the circuit’s fundamental operations.
  • Jan says that the team decided to create their own circuit pipeline to explore their idea independently rather than outsourcing. Different fundamentals in the circuit pipeline compared to traditional ones, ensure a faithful implementation with unique characteristics.

Developer Tooling Infrastructure and Ecosystem Planning

  • Jan says that they ensure a seamless transition for developers by changing endpoints on tools like Hardhat or Foundry for easy deployment. They put emphasis on minimal overhead when deploying applications within the ecosystem similar to Ethereum‘s functionality.

Partnerships, Integrations, and Future Plans

  • Jan says that they are engaging with multiple projects for potential partnerships upon mainnet launch to enrich the ecosystem.
  • He adds that they focus on security-focused features for smart contracts while maintaining compatibility with existing Ethereum functionalities.

ZK Rollup Functionality and Roadmap

  • Jan says that ZK rollup offers fast finality without privacy concerns or shielding transactions compared to other rollups.

Detailed Discussion on Data Solutions and Security

  • Jan says that the team is considering different data solutions, aiming for simplicity in development on the test net. Exploring options without blobs and evaluating other potential approaches for cost-effectiveness.
  • He adds that they are prioritizing security with minimal trust assumptions initially, planning to progress faster than Ethereum but with careful consideration. Committing to a strict ZK rollup approach for enhanced security measures.

Considerations for Switching from Ethereum’s Data Storage

  • Jan says that they are emphasizing security and decentralization as primary factors influencing decisions regarding data storage providers. 
  • He adds that they are acknowledging the value of various projects while highlighting the current focus on Ethereum due to its straightforwardness.

Future Roadmap and Flexibility in Decision-Making

  • Jan says that they are evaluating priorities such as decentralized sequencers versus decentralized data availability layers for future roadmap decisions. Maintaining a research-based approach with openness to switching layer-1s based on user needs and outcomes.
  • He adds that they are planning for a main net launch within the year while prioritizing thorough testing without compromising security.

Centralization in Rollups

  • Jan says that rollups start with some level of centralization, transitioning to decentralization as technology matures. Stages will be implemented gradually due to the need for tech maturation. The aim is to reach a point where features are confidently usable, allowing testing beyond test nets for real-world application support.
  • He adds that some rollups exhibit trillions of $ETH in contracts, surpassing mainnet supply significantly.

Design Decisions and Research Challenges

  • Jan says that simplification of deposit processes on layer-2 through pre-funding Genesis block is a design choice. They are exploring different solutions than existing models like pre-funding Genesis blocks for circuit efficiency.
  • He highlights that transactions from a pre-funded account are easier for circuits to validate compared to creating funds out of thin air.
  • Jan says that adding exceptional functionality like minting out of thin air impacts circuit design. There are implications of changing circuit functionalities on system complexity and prover time.

Trade-offs and Future Considerations

  • Jan says that he is considering alternative approaches such as regular top-ups for pre-funded accounts and exploring different options at Zircuit. Exploring potential solutions like partial pre-funding to address trust issues without overwhelming amounts in the Genesis account.

Challenges in Project Development

  • Jan says that developing blockchain projects involves more than just forking existing chains but requires innovations, bug fixes, and redesign considerations.
  • He acknowledges trade-offs in project development between maintaining existing systems versus innovating for progress.

Check out these important links

Show Information

  • Medium: Youtube
  • Show: The Rollup 
  • Show Title: DeFi by Design EP129: Everything You Need to Know About Zircuit zkEVM
  • Show Date: March 1, 2024