Discord - Revelo Intel


Private Members Only Discord – Share Research & Analysis
Discuss & Debate Opinions

The Problem

In crypto, there is no shortage of Telegram groups and Discord servers where market participants get together. There is no question that peer discussion can be extremely powerful for sharing ideas and gaining an edge, however these groups usually descend into chaotic badlands. High quality discussion can be diluted over time, where the users who provide value get drowned out and eventually take their time and effort elsewhere.

The Solution

We have thought long and hard about how to provide a discussion forum that is useful, while avoiding the issues most of these venues eventually encounter.

Our Discord will:

  • only be available to paying members
  • be structured with discussions around our research
  • give users direct access to the analysts producing our research
  • be a place to learn, share ideas and meet like minded people
  • not include any shilling, pointless banter, memes, or GIFs
  • have strict rules for behavior, conduct & content
  • be a privilege not a right

We have ample venues where we can hang out and have fun, so we have decided that the Revelo Discord will be a serious place that facilitates thoughtful and valuable discussion.

To be clear, users who do not follow the rules, will have their discord access suspended. We are committed to creating, building and preserving one of the most valuable discussion forums in all of crypto.

Productive Dialogue With the Brightest Minds in Crypto

Benefits of Access to Our Discord

  • Join growing network of like minded peers
  • Direct access to the Revelo analysts
  • Direct access to core members of major DeFi projects
  • Discussions and debates related to our research
  • Discord Only Interviews, Webinars & AMA’s
  • Dedicated channel for each Project Breakdown
  • Workshops on risk management & portfolio construction
  • Provide input on our products, content & coverage