Archway Twitter Spaces with Astrovault - Revelo Intel

Archway Twitter Spaces with Astrovault

In Archway’s Twitter Spaces which took place on April 15, 2024, Miguel Henson from Archway hosted Eric Waisanen and Ethan Wood to discuss updates from Astrovault and Archway’s recent activities, airdrop, and more! Read our notes below to learn more.


Miguel Henson (Host) – Growth at Archway/Phi Labs Global

Eric Waisanen (Guest) – Co-Founder of Astrovault

Ethan Wood (Guest) – CEO at High Vault Corporation

Archway – an incentivized smart contract platform that rewards developers for building on the network with baked-in incentives and rewards

Astrovault –  a hybrid Automated Market Maker (AMM) and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Insights into Astrovault’s Airdrop Strategy and Drop Camp Platform

  • Miguel says that there was significant traffic immediately after the announcement, implying that Astrovault’s Drop claim period remains open indefinitely, allowing users to claim their airdrops when they choose.
  • Eric says that they have not closed their previous airdrop and notes that approximately one-sixth of the new airdrop has already been claimed. He mentions their aim for high claim rates, like their initial 90% claim rate, and plans for future airdrops that will not deprecate earlier ones to maintain a simple claiming process.
  • Miguel introduces the topic of Astrovault and Archway’s recent activities, particularly focusing on Drop Camp, an on-chain reputation platform. He explains that Drop Camp scores users based on their engagement and activities both off and on the blockchain, rewarding them with digital patches that represent their achievements.
  • Eric shares insights on the early hours of the drop, describing the process from their perspective and the methodology behind minting the soul-bound patches. He explains that stats are posted to the blockchain, allowing them to structure airdrops based on users’ activities and engagement levels.
  • Eric discusses the criteria they used to determine the distribution of airdrops, highlighting the importance of various activities like social interactions and staking. He mentions that their system rewards high-value participants more significantly but also appreciates those who contribute through social media engagements.
  • Eric provides initial statistics for the airdrop, stating that nearly 500,000 $AXV of the 3.2 million $AXV airdropped has been claimed. He describes a surge of users that caused server issues, leading to ongoing efforts to resolve infrastructure limitations and improve server performance.

Community Feedback and Future Plans for AXV Airdrop and Astrovault

  • Eric encourages the community to share their thoughts, noting that many are pleased with the airdrop’s size and allocation, while some express frustration about perceived inequalities in distribution.
  • Eric explains the scoring system for TVL, stating that to achieve maximum points, significant amounts of liquidity are needed, with few achieving the highest tier. Eric details the points awarded for staked $ARCH, mentioning that very few users reached the top tier.
  • Eric describes the scoring for Arch IDs, highlighting its vulnerability to spam due to low costs, thus capping the maximum points.
  • Eric talks about the with the social scoring system, highlighting that the scoring details are managed by Archway and the main focus is on participation regardless of how points are earned.
  • Miguel reminds everyone to mint an Astronomy Patch if they missed this one, highlighting a significant opportunity to join the Astrovault and Archway community and earn some $AXV.
  • Eric shares his positive experience participating in the first drop on Drop Camp, appreciating the strategy of rewarding high-value users which benefits the whole Archway ecosystem. He expresses satisfaction with the community engagement and emphasizes the importance of contributing positively beyond just seeking airdrops.
  • Miguel inquires about the future steps for Astrovault, now that the drop is in progress. Eric explains the options available to users who want to keep their $AXV tokens, such as staking $AXV to earn more $AXV or other tokens with no lockup period. He also mentions an upcoming outbid campaign where $AXV can be used to purchase VC level tickets in Lunar Space.

Exploring Lunar Space: Decentralized Infrastructure, Software Integration, and Gamified Fundraising

  • Eric explains that Lunar Space is a project expanding on decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN), similar to Akash. Originally, it involved placing large nodes inside buildings for data safety and compliance, serving clients like law firms and surgical offices. Through Web3 and technologies like Archway, they can now automate and scale these services, transitioning from physical infrastructure to software as a service while maintaining compliance. This shift allows broader scalability.
  • Eric further describes how the business integrates various software services into a unified user interface, enhancing employee monitoring and management. This adds token-based incentives and bonuses for employees, boosting productivity and providing detailed insights into employee performance. This integration proves highly efficient in customer feedback and is set to be adopted by more companies, including a specialized version for Archway.
  • Miguel says that Lunar Space will be fundraising exclusively on Outbid.
  • Ethan describes Outbid as a gamified launchpad that had previously launched the $AXV token. It features an auction-style system where bids on tokens increase over time. Participants can win significant amounts of tokens if rounds do not fill, adding a layer of gamification and potential for significant gains. Early participants benefit from rising token prices and earlier unlocks.
  • Eric says they raised $310,000 for Astrovault with a gamified fundraising approach, which included a $33,000 jackpot. He highlights the platform’s user engagement features like nicknames and leaderboards. Eric contrasts their model with other platforms like Eclipse and Stream Swap, noting their lower fees and straightforward round structure for price discovery.
  • Miguel introduces Andrew and mentions that participants can soon join a new launch on Outbid. He encourages new users who just claimed their $AXV airdrop to get involved.
  • truthixify asks about difficulties accessing the Astrovault website, mentioning it appeared blank despite his country not being blacklisted.
  • Eric explains the site’s downtime as due to overloaded servers and promises improvements in server capacity and performance. He asks truthixify to try accessing the site again later.
  • Miguel informs that Archway’s summer events are upcoming and urges participants to stay updated. He mentions Archway’s impending NFT Mint and encourages spending the $AXV currency earned.  

Check out these important links

Show Information

  • Medium: Twitter (Audio)
  • Show: Archway Twitter Space 
  • Show Title: Camp Session🏕️ First Drop is Live 🎉
  • Show Date: April 15, 2024