Balancer - Project Timeline | Revelo Intel



November 18: Balancer begins to incentivize with STIP $ARB incentives

November 2: Backend changes to voting gauges/pools data

October 13: The STIP proposal passes successfully on Snapshot

October 11: Balancer’s proposal for Arbitrum’s STIP reaches quorum

September 20: New DeFi series launched

September 14: Balancer issues a full technical postmortem  report regarding the recent security incident

August 27: Balancer is made aware of an exploit related to the vulnerability disclosed earlier.

August 22: Balancer receives a critical vulnerability report affecting a number of V2 Pools.

August 3: Balancer launches on Base.

August 1: Balancer launches on Avalanche.

July 25: 1M $ARB incentives will be paired 1:1 with voting incentives on the Aura finance voting market.

July 20: Aave’s $GHO integrated.

June 14: Balancer dApp go live on Polygon’s zkEVM.

May 25: Layer 2 gauge migration go live.

May 17: Cross Chain Boosts introduced.

May 9: Snapshot for year 2 funding for the Balancer Foundation passes.

April 6: New boosted AAVE pools goes live.

April 5: Integration with MEV Blocker.

April 4: Snapshot to deploy Balancer to Polygon zkEVM passes.

March 28: Emissions reduced by 16%.

March 21: Snapshot to deploy Balancer to zkSync passes.

March 7: Snapshot to deploy Balancer to Avalanche passes.

February 28: Creation of ecosystem council and amended self-insurance fund.

February 28: Removal of MAI guages on Polygon and Arbitrum.

February 17: 

February 16: 

February 14: Logic Error Bug Fix Review, where a high-severity bug was discovered by a white hat hacker through ImmuneFi.

February 10: 

January 20: Proposal to close Year 2 funding gap.

January 13:

January 10: State of Balancer Q4 2022.

January 6: 


December 16:

December 9: 

December 2: 

November 25: Proposal to adjust Balancer snapshot for Aura-AIP-17 (second vote).

November 18: Proposal to adjust Balancer snapshot for Aura AIP-17.

November 11: Proposal for Index Coop to partner with Balancer DAO.

November 4: Karpatkey Balancer Treasury Proposal Update (second vote)

October 28: 

October 21:

October 14:

October 10: Launch of Balancer Certora Security Accelerator in partnership with Certora.

September 30: Proposal to delegate Aave holdings to Llama.

September 23:

September 17: Proposal to authorize Batch Relayer v4.

September 10: 

September 8: DefiLlama now tracks Balancer on DEXs dashboard.

September 2: 

August 26: 

August 25: BAL goes live on Across Protocol

August 19:

August 4: 

August 2: State of Balancer Q2 2022.

July 29:

July 22:

July 1: 

June 29: Bug bounty progress disclosure.

June 23:

June 18: Proposal to update snapshot parameters.

June 6; 

June 2:

May 27: 

May 23: Proposal to form the Emergency subDAO.

May 20: Proposal to introduce ProtocolFeesWithdrawer contract.

May 18: Vulnerability disclosure of an issue in Stable Pools and Managed Pools.

May 14: Balancer Labs was notified of a potentially exploitable scenario through ImmuneFi.

May 11: Balancer v2 anniversary.

May 6:

May 4: State of Balancer Q1 2022 report.

May 3: 

April 29: Proposal to deploy Balancer to Optimism, managed by Beethoven X.

April 26: 

April 22: Proposal to incorporate Balancer Foundation.

April 19: Proposal to distribute protocol fees in BAL where appropriate.

April 16:

April 15: Proposal to decide on gauge unexpected behavior.

March 28: veBAL goes live.

March 26: Proposal to authorize Batch Relayer v2 for USD+ Boosted Pool.

March 25: Proposal to hand over swap fee and amplification factor control to the BalancerDAO.

March 23: Proposal for Symmetric to be the official friendly fork on Celo and Gnosis Chain.

March 22: 

March 18: 

March 9: 

March 8: Medium article on Balancer’s Smart Order Routing

March 3: Shards Labs launches first MetaStable pool on Polygon.

February 25: 

February 21: Protocol fee set to 50% on Ethereum mainnet.

February 17: Protocol fee set to 50% on Polygon and Arbitrum.

February 15: Proposal to approve protocol revenue sharing for pool creators.

February 14: Proposal to increase protocol fee from 10% to 50%.

February 11: Proposal to introduce veBAL.

February 4: Beethoven X joins Balancer Lab’s bug bounty program

February 1: Gnosis treasury swap completed.

January 29: Proposal to fund Balancer DAO for Q1 2022.

January 25: 

January 18: OlympusDAO establishes OHM as liquid asset on Balancer.

January 13: 

January 6: mStable treasury swap completed.


December 31: Balancer 2021 Wrapped.

December 24: Announces treasury swap with mStable.

December 22: Proposal to structure a long-term collaboration with Tempus.

December 19: Proposal to invest Balancer’s FEI, TRIBE, MTA.

December 18: PrimeDAO treasury swap completed.

December 16:

December 15: Launch of Boosted Pools.

December 12: Proposal to approve the Batch Relayer.

December 9: 

December 6: Proposal for treasury swap with mStable.

December 4: Proposal to transition treasury control to governance multisig.

December 1: Pool creation UI is live on Balancer v2.

November 20: Vote to approve BeethovenX as the recognised friendly fork on Fantom.

November 17: Fei Treasury swap executed.

November 12:  Announces that Balancer DAO and Fei DAO aligned their interests with a DAO agreement and a token swap of $9M at current market value.

November 2: Balance Grants Wave 2 goes live.

October 28: Proposal to fund Balancer Grants DAO Wave 2.

October 26: Proposal to end BAL for Gas program since Balancer-Gnosis Protocol launched.

October 25: Balancer-Cow-Protocol goes live.

October 21: Proposal to renew funding for Ballers.

October 10:

September 23: SourceCred goes live.

September 17: 

September 8: Liquidity mining incentives on Arbitrum go live.

September 3: 

August 31: Balancer goes live on Arbitrum.

August 19: Balancer Grants DAO go live.

August 16: Launch of Metastable Pools and partnership with Lido Finance.

August 14:

August 13:

July 23: Balancer joins Coinbase Earn.

July 8: Launch of Stable Pools.

July 1: Announces that Balancer joins Polygon

June 25: Proposal to allocate BAL to Polygon.

June 19: Proposal to continue incentivizing liquidity in Aave-wEth v1 pool.

May 27: Raised $24.25M in Venture Round.

May 11:  Balancer v2 go live.

May 8: 

May 4: Launch incentive program for IDO.

April 30: Announces partnership with TokenEngineering Academy to launch Balancer Simulations for open crypto-economic research.

April 28: Announces partnership with Gnosis to deliver a new DEX.

April 24:

April 20: Balancer v2 smart contracts go live.

April 17: 

April 16: Primer on Fair Token Launches and Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools.

April 10: Proposal to replenish budget for BAL for Gas.

April 3: Proposal for a Balancer v2 GnosisSafe multisig.

March 27: Medium article on Balancer v2 being the One-Stop-Shop.

March 23: Announces partnership with Gauntlet to make dynamic-fee AMM pools.

March 6: 

February 24: Announces partnership with Aave to build the first Balancer v2 Asset Manager.

February 20: 

February 11: 

February 6: 

February 3: Introducing Balancer v2.

January 29: Balancer v1 in review.

January 26: Exchange Gas Reimbursements go live

January 23:

January 15: Proposal to increase liquidity mining cap for DEXG from $1M to $3M 


December 17: Proposal for govFactor, an initiative to incentivize governance participation.

December 11: Proposal to increase liquidity mining cap for AMP from $3M to $10M.

December 2: Integrated with Argent.

November 25: Proposal to increase liquidity mining cap for AMPL from $1M to $3M.

November 19: Balancer Ecosystem Fund Grants Batch #2 begins.

November 5: Proposal vote to approve Batch #2 of Ecosystem Fund Grants. 

October 28: BAL distributions to be done through a claims contract from the current week onwards.

October 17: Proposal to increase liquidity mining cap for DUSD and CREAM from $1M to $3M each.

October 3: Proposal to increase liquidity mining cap for PERP from $3M to $10M.

September 24: Listed on Coinbase Custody.

September 19: Vote to contribute BAL from Ecosystem Fund to projects and developers that Gitcoin is supporting.

September 8: Smart Pool factory audit with TrailofBits completed.

August 25: Upgraded the exchange to use multi-path order routing and takes into account gas costs, which will improve overall pricing and gas usage.

August 22:

August 15: Proposal to update token whitelist process for BAL liquidity mining.

August 11: Full audit completed with OpenZeppelin.

August 6: New pool management dashboard goes live.

August 1: 

July 27: Proposal to approve the first batch of grants from the Balancer ecosystem fund.

July 20: All 3 proposals approved by the vast majority of voters.

July 18:  3 proposals up for votes:

June 30: Incident update #2 with non-standard ERC20 deflationary tokens.

June 29: 

June 28: 

June 24:  BAL token goes live.

June 18: Partner with Gnosis to offer a development grant to add Balancer to Gnosis Safe Apps.

June 12: Custom tokens are supported in pool creation.

June 6: Proposal to introduce a weight factor in liquidity mining.

June 1: Liquidity mining begins.

May 20: Completed full audit with ConsenSysAudits

May 18: Bug Bounty program goes live. 

May 15: Proposal for governance tokens, liquidity mining schedule, and tokenomics.

April 1: Balancer goes live on Ethereum mainnet.

March 25: Closed Seed Round

March 13: Balancer Contracts are open-sourced on Github.  


October 4: First Medium article released.

September 19: Balancer Protocol was created and Balancer Protocol Whitepaper released.