Osmosis - Project Timeline | Revelo Intel



October 24 Osmosis v20.1.0 upgrade

October 10 Mars Protocol v2 integration

September 5: Osmosis v19.0.0

August 31Osmosis matches Kava incentives for Rise program

August 23: Osmosis v17.0.0 — Aluminium Upgrade.

July 18: Supercharged Liquidity goes live.

July 15: Osmosis v16.0.0 — Magnesium Upgrade.

July 5: ALOB (Aggregated Limit Order Book) introduced.

May 18: Mesh Security partnership initiative announced.

April 14: Integration with Regen Network.

April 7: Integration with Layerswap.

March 17: FTM is listed on Osmosis.

March 14: Osmosis v15.0.0 — Sodium Upgrade.

February 13: Crypto Tax Calculator integration with Osmosis

February 10: AVAX is listed on Osmosis.

February 7: Mars Protocol launches on Osmosis.

January 1: Osmosis 2022 Recap.


December 7: Stable Swaps go live.

December 6: V13 Fluorine Upgrade goes live.

December 7: Episode 1 of OGP (Osmosis Grants Program) Office Hours goes live as a Discord event.

October 7: Episode 1 of “The Interchain Laboratory” goes live.

October 3: Chain is halted.

June 20: OSMO experiences 1st inflation thirdening, following Osmosis 1 year anniversary.

June 15: New support website launched.

June 12: Chain relaunches, after fix was added.

June 7: Osmosis Chain is halted for emergency maintenance in response to the exploit.

June 6: Osmosis upgrades to v9.

May 25: New primary frontend is launched.

May 15: Proposals 222-226 are implemented, to help derisk against collapse of UST.

May 11: In light of Terra Luna UST depeg, a UST derisking proposal goes live and passes.

May 2: Osmosis Info dashboard added.

April 22: Proposals 206-210 voting on Osmosis canonical ETH bridge provider launched.

April 7: Launched alternative front end, Osmosis Frontier.

February 28: Osmosis chain undergoes v7 Carbon upgrade.


December 17: Single-asset LP introduced.  

December 1: Comdex CMDX LBP launches.

November: Proposal 57 passes, enabling Osmosis Support DAO (now called the Osmosis Support Lab).

June 23: Liquidity incentives enabled.

June 19: Osmosis launches.

June 3: More information about liquidity incentives on Osmosis released.

May 27: OSMO tokenomics revealed.

March 1: Team clarifies details around Osmosis.

February 18:Vision for Osmosis” article published.


October: Project announced by Co-Founders Sunny Aggarwal, Josh Lee, and Dev Ojha.