Savvy DeFi - Project Timeline | Revelo Intel

Savvy DeFi


October 14: Savvy’s STIP proposal reaches quorom

September 13: First 2 Savvy Improvement Proposals introduced

September 7: Liquidity rewards page live

August 03: MMC APY Calculator goes live on MMC page

July 28: $SVY Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) on Fjord Foundry is announced

July 19: Launch of Savvy Credit Line (svTokens) backed by GMD yield strategies ($USDC/$USDT, $BTC, $ETH) is announced.

July 19: MMC Zapper implemented.

July 7: Savvy attends ETH Seattle 2023.

June 28: DefiLlama begins tracking Savvy DeFi.

June 27: MMC Dashboard begins updating every 1-2 days

June 23:  Market Making Campaign (MMC) Rewards dashboard goes live. 

June 14: Savvy’s Market-Making Rewards Campaign goes live.

June 10: Savvy is announced as the first project to launch on Trader Joe v2 IFO.

June 08: Savvy Arbitrum launch via IFO (Initial Farm Offering) announced.

May 11: Integration with JonesDAO announced. 

April 30: Testnet pool utilization rates are increased after 7 of the 8 strategies hit their max deposit limits. 

April 28: Savvy DeFi Arbitrum testnet goes live. 

April 19: Savvy announces Arbitrum launch.

March 25: LGE and fair launch are paused for reasons including:

March 20: Testnet fair launch page is made available to public.


Sep 20: Savvy exits stealth mode.